Throughout the year 2023, GNB Public Health undertook a multifaceted approach to address the diverse healthcare needs of our beneficiaries. We focused on empowering communities, especially those in underserved rural areas.
We successfully implemented initiatives, including the distribution of nutritious food, standard health checkups for sponsored children, reproductive health services for adolescents and pregnant women, health awareness education for the community, the operation of health and hygiene clubs in secondary partner schools, CHW activities, the provision of treatment and medicine services through the GNB Medical Officer in the 14 Health Care Units (HCU), financial support for referral cases, health day observations, and advocacy.
Additionally, we organized various special health campaigns covering gynecology, medicine, dental, eye, diabetes, and orthopedics, offering specialist physician treatment along with medicines and pathological services. We also participated in the International Health Economic Conference 2023 organized by the Institute of Health Economics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
“মানসিক চাপ কমাতে ও টেলিফোনে সাধারণ চিকিৎসাসেবা প্রদানের জন্য” গুড নেইবারস বাংলাদেশ (জিএনবি) এর রেজিস্টার্ড ডাক্তারগণ সেবা প্রদানের জন্য প্রস্তুত। প্রয়োজনে ফোন করে সেবা নিন। সুস্থ থাকুন, বাড়িতেই থাকুন।
বিশেষ জরুরী ক্ষেত্রে নিকটস্থ হাসপাতালে যোগাযোগ করুন।