Job Opportunity

Welcome to Good Neighbors Bangladesh’s external jobs page.

Good Neighbors is an international humanitarian and development non-governmental organization with membership in General Consultative Status in the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC). Good Neighbors Bangladesh, established in 1996, is operating 17 Community Development Projects (CDP) and 5 Projects with Specific Program (PSP) in 13  districts for child protection, education, health, women empowerment, income-generating activities, DRR, and Rohingya Emergency Response Project. Winner of the MDG 2 award in 2007 and UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development in 2024. Good Neighbors Bangladesh (GNB) intends to recruit suitable personnel for the following positions: 

1. GBV Response Officer

2. GBV Prevention Officer

3. GBV Case Worker

4. Monitoring & Evaluation Officer

5. Senior Officer (Procurement, Logistics & Liaison)

6. Technical Coordinator (Civil Engineer)

7. Project Officer

Applicants for the GNB job …

(i) must be committed to his/her responsibility and take it as a service rather than a paid job;
(ii) must be sincere to further study and improve his/her working skill;
(iii) must be ready to work in both urban and rural areas anytime