PHC Piling Work ( Model and Cattle Shelter)

Good Neighbors is an international humanitarian development NGO founded in South Korea in 1991. Good Neighbors Bangladesh (GNB) was registered as an international non-government organization (INGO) with the NGO affairs bureau of the government of Bangladesh and commenced its operation in August 1996 for  helping deprived children, their mothers and families through education, health services, economic security, protection, community development, sanitation, and disaster relief projects.

Article 1: Purpose

1.1. Good Neighbors Bangladesh invites the Tenderer for the PHC Pile work for construction of Model Cyclone shelter and Cattle Shelter for disaster risk reduction of targeted community in Kalapara Upazila under Patuakhali District.

Article 2: Tender Enlist Application

2-1. Companies that wish to participate in the tender should submit and apply to GNB with the following documentations.

    Tender Application

    Up-To-Date Trade License (First Class)

    Up-To-Date Income Tax Certificate

    Vat Registration Certification

    Bank Solvency Certificate (minimum 2 cores)

    Previous constructions documents / List of clients (up to 2.5 years)

    Brief profile (Including manpower and construction equipment list)

    Experience Certificates (Must have minimum three certificates above 2 cores)

    Any others relevant papers

    VAT should be clear before the final bill submission.


Article 3: Submission Tender Documents

3-1.       Download the tender documents from GNB official webpage:

3-2.          Tender application should be submitted at our head office to the following mail address in PDF Format before the submission deadline.

             Email address:

3-3.       The Companies who are interested in joining the tender must have to submit spot visitation pictures. When the Tenders submit their tender application, they must send 2 Spot visiting pictures as proof. 

3-4.   The Tenderer should make sure that the quotation amount will be bidding maximum 10% less than tendering amount.

3-5.       Those documents have to be mailed or arrived at the “Good Neighbors Bangladesh” Head Office Address- Plot # 05, Road-2, Block # A, Swadesh Shornaly Abashan, Purbanchal Express Highway, Barua, Khilkhet, Dhaka – 1229 before the day of Tender submission deadline is in effect.

Note:     Every page must have the signature of Tenderer in PDF copy. If all required documents need to be sent by more than one email, it can be sent by several emails to us.

Article 4: Validity of Competitive Tender

4-1. GNB will award the contract to the Tenderer (The number of Tenderers will be decided by GNB). If GNB decides to appoint more than one Tenderer, the lowest bidder will be prioritized, and other selected Tenderers will be offered to agree on the quoted lower rate or decided by the committee and they will get the award on the contract based.

4-2. If we find the same rate from different Tenderers, the selection process will be gone through lottery among the Tenderers, or the Procurement committee will decide the selection process.

4-3. The Tenderer whose quoted amount is lowest and reasonable with GNB estimated cost will be eligible for the tender or the Procurement committee will decide.

Article 5: Special Conditions

5-1. Construction site details: Monosatoli 7 no. ward, Dalbuganj union, Kalapara upazila, Patuakhali

5-2. All works must be completed by 15th August 2024. If weather will remain in favor.

5-2. All contracted works should be executed as per drawing and design.

5-3.  If any changes are required in the drawing design for actual work or if any information is not complete in the drawing design, the Contractor shall inform immediately to the assigned Good Neighbors Project Engineers. The Contractor cannot change the drawing design in any way.

5-4. The Contractor must keep a full-time Site Engineer on site who has minimum 10 years of experience of relevant work.

5-5. Use of goods or materials for work must be followed by BOQ.

5-6. If the BOQ does not contain any details of the materials, then Good Neighbors Project Engineer must be consulted.

5-7. The Contractor is not allowed to use any materials they like.

5-8. The Contractor must ensure full-time skilled workers on the project to complete the work on time.

5-9. considering the short time, the workers must have mentality to work at night maintaining full safety and security.

5-10. Work should be done in coordination with the local people during the contracted period. The Contractor should not get involved in any kind of dispute.

5-11. No illegal financial transactions will be allowed.

5-12. Children (under 18 years old) will not be allowed to do any work in the project.

5-13. Sub Contract is not allowed.

5-14. daily, weekly, and monthly working schedule as per project plan should be submitted to Good Neighbors Office before the start of work.

5-15 Carrying of piles In case of pile breakage or any other problem while driving, the contractor should carry new pile at his own risk.

5-17. The contractor should be responsible for the safety of all materials/manpower.

5-18. Good Neighbors authorities will be bound to take appropriate actions if any of the above conditions are violated by the Contractor. The work may even be confiscated.

Article 6: The Scope of the construction works

6-1. The scope of this construction and relevant works of it are as follows:


       As per design and BOQ

6-2. Project Purpose: Construction of Model and Cattle shelters provides a safe and accessible evacuated place for community people including vulnerable populations during any disasters.   

Article 7: Bidding Amount Open

7-1. The Tenderer who’s quoted amount is lowest and reasonable with GNB estimated cost will be eligible for the tender and committee will decide for selection.

Article 8: Tender Cancellation

In the event of a tender procedure’s cancellation, the Tenderers will be notified by GNB.

8-1. Cancellation may occur if GNB faces any unavoidable circumstances. In such a case, the tender may be cancelled before notification of winning Tenderer.

8-2. GNB has the right to eliminate any Tenderers without showing any reasons. Tenderers are not entitled to claim for any damages against the ordering authority when the tender is cancelled.

Article 9: Tender Process

9-1. Tenderers are expected to examine carefully and comply with all instructions, forms, provisions and specifications contained in this TENDER PACKAGE.

9-2. Failure to submit tender containing all the required information and documentation within the deadline specified will lead to the rejection of the tender.

9-3. Who does not follow the Article No.3 will be treated as disqualified.

9-4. GNB has ZERO TOLERENCE regarding any political and repugnant references or corrupted mentality.

9-5. Power to accept part of a contract: GNB reserves the right, unless the Tenderer expressly stipulates to the contrary in the tender, to award batches separately or in any combination.

9-6. Any attempt by a Tenderer to influence the Project Purchasing Committee/Task Force Team in the process of examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of tenders, to obtain information on how the procedure is progressing or to influence GNB in its decision concerning the award of the contract will result in the immediate rejection of his tender.

9-7. Only GNB has the right to amend, edit, and revise on the tender. There is no way to amend, edit, and revise by Tenderers.

9-8. All kinds of tendering processes will be completed by GNB’s Committee, and they have the right to cancel any tender for any reason.

9-9. Ownership of tender: GNB retain ownership of all tenders received under this tender process. Consequently, Tenderers have no right to have their tenders returned to them. GNB guarantees that tender offers shall remain confidential.

Article 10: Notification award and contract signature

10-1. The successful Tenderer will be informed by email and over phone that their tender has been chosen within 15 days

following the award.

10-2. Within 2 working days following the reception of the contract, the successful Tenderer will sign, date and send back

the contract.

10-3. The selected Tenderer will have to communicate the number and exact references of the bank account where the

payments will be executed.

10-4. If the successful Tenderer fails to sign and send back the contract within 2 working days, the GNB can consider (after notification) the award as null and void.

10-5. Only GNB has the right to amend, edit, and revise on the tender. There is no way to amend, edit, and revise for Tenderers.

Article 11: Submission Deadline

11-1. Tender relevant documents proving the eligibility of bidders shall be submitted within the deadlines set out in the tender announcement or bidding notice.

11-2. Document submission deadline is 5:00 pm, 10th July 2024.

Article 12: Contract

12-1. The contract that will be concluded between the successful Tenderer and GNB is done according to standard contract.

By submitting an offer to this Invitation to Tender, the Tenderer accepts contract terms. If any remark or reserve were to be raised by the Tenderer, they should be clearly written down in a free format document included in the tender. Such documents should include the Tenderer’s proposal to replace the discussed sections of the contract.

12-2. Good Neighbors Bangladesh concerned about the right of children and women and has “ZERO TOLERANCE” policy for any kind of sexual exploitation and abuse.

Article 13: Detailed Construction

13-1. Winning Tenderer shall execute Construction of Model and Cattle Shelter (Pile work, BOQ mentioned) works as the plan stipulated by the tender documents.

13-2. The detailed construction schedule and period will be determined in consultation with Good Neighbors Bangladesh Project Purchasing Committee/Task Force Team.

13-3. The Company who gets the tender work orders of construction total cost will be paid in two (3) separate payments:

i)                When 70% of total construction works are done then 50% bill will be paid.

ii)              When 100% of total works are done then remaining 45% bill will be paid

iii)            The remaining 5% amount will be paid to the Contractor after completion of grade beam (civil work).

13-4. The payment to the Contractor will be deducted minimum 5% from total budget amount if they cannot complete the work on time and any damages that delay the flow of work are caused by the Contractor. No consideration for extension of time.

Article 14: Cost and Currencies of Tender        

14-1. The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of their tender, and GNB will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs.

14-2. The unit rates and amount shall be quoted by the Tenderer entirely in BDT-local Currency including Profit, Vat & Tax.

Please click on the text below and download

Tender Application Form

Design- BOQ