Terms of Reference on Impact Study of Good Neighbors Bangladesh for FDMN and Host Communities at Cox’s Bazar

1) Title: Impact Study of Good Neighbors Bangladesh for FDMN and Host Communities at Cox’s Bazar

2) Background: Good Neighbors Bangladesh is an international humanitarian development NGO. It commenced its operation in August 1996 to help deprived children, their mothers and families through education, protection, health service, sanitation, economic security, community development and disaster relief and humanitarian assistance project.

Good Neighbors Bangladesh has been working with the Rohingya community in Cox’s Bazar since the influx in 2017. Gender-based violence and child protection are the key areas of attention in Rohingya camps. Good Neighbors Bangladesh implemented a number of GBV and child protection projects in Camps 14, 15, and 16.

Good Neighbors Bangladesh started implementing an integrated project on child protection and gender based violation with partnership of UNICEF, which continued until December 2024 with significant project outcomes.

The organization also implemented a number of projects for host community development from 2017. Working with the host community, Good Neighbors Bangladesh focused on infrastructure development and awareness building initiatives with recommendation local government.

This impact study aims to provide a thorough analysis of the Good Neighbors Bangladesh project’s performance and impact on the target population, efficiency in resource utilization, and overall effectiveness in addressing the identified problem. In addition to assessing the project’s impact and outcomes, this study will also examine the sustainability of project outcomes, considering the capacity building and community engagement efforts that were integral to the project’s design. This study will also identify the uniqueness of Good Neighbors Bangladesh interventions which created significant impacts for the Rohingya communities and host communities.

3) Purpose of the Study:

a) To identify the outcomes of Gender Based Violence, Child Protection Projects and Host community interventions of Good Neighbors Bangladesh;

b) To make an understanding of the gaps and future needs in the sector of Gender Based Violence, Child Protection and Host community support;

c) To publish the research work and disseminate national and global stakeholders;

4) Thematic Area of Study and Focus:

Sectors Focus percentage
Gender Based Violence (GBV) 50%
Child Protection (CP) 30%
Host Community 20%
5) Location: Rohingya Camps (14, 15 and 16), Host Communities of Cox’s Bazar District.
6) Study Time Frame: 30 days after agreement signing
7) Budget: Approximately BDT. 500,000. (All expenses included food, travelling, accommodation and AIT.). Good Neighbors Bangladesh will ensure VAT.
8) Data collection methods:
8.1 Qualitative Data Collection:
Tools Respondent Category Number of Respondent Remarks
KII District Commissioner of Cox’s Bazar 1  
Upazila Nirbahi Officer 2  
Representative of UNICEF 1  
Representative of RRRC 1  
Camps in Charge 1  
Representative of Sub-sectors 2  
Majhi 2 Rohingya Community
School Management Committee 2 Host Community
School Head Teacher 2 Host Community
Good Neighbors Staff 2  
FGD Rohingya Women group 2 Rohingya Community
Rohingya Adolescent Group 2 Rohingya Community
Host Community Adolescent group 2 Host Community
Case Story Rohingya Community Women 4 Rohingya Community
Rohingya Adolescent 4 Rohingya Community
Rohingya Children 4 Rohingya Community
Host communities 2 Host Community
8.2. Observation and Field Visits: Direct observations during field visits to project sites will capture qualitative insights into the local context, such as infrastructure, accessibility.
8.3 Secondary Data Review
In addition to primary data collection, the study will utilize secondary data sources to contextualize and enhance the findings. Evaluator will review secondary documents provided from Good Neighbors Bangladesh.
9) Quality Assurance Protocols:
• Comparative assessment: How Good Neighbors Bangladesh is positively different from other organizations in GBV, CP and HC support?
• Video, audio, pictures: Evaluator will provide video, audio and pictures of respondents of all category (KII, FGD, Case stories)
• Quality of Report: Evaluator must ensure the quality of report as it will be published globally.
• Meeting the deadline: Evaluator must complete the report within the timeframe mentioned in agreement.
• Experience team: Evaluator must assign experience and dedicated team for the study.
• Field Visit: Lead consultant must visit field for data collection from key stakeholders, such as- DC, UNO, RRRC, UNICEF.
10) Reporting contents (proposed):
1. Executive Summary
2. Background
3. Methodology
4. Findings and results
• Present key findings based on collected data aligning with project key indicators
• Present quotable opinions from relevant stakeholders.
5. Comparative analysis
• How Good Neighbors Bangladesh is positively different from other organizations in GBV, CP and Host Community support?
6. Discussion
• Analyze the findings, highlighting successes, signature approach, challenges, and contributing factors.
7. Case study/success stories
8. Recommendations
9. Limitations
10. Annexure
• Lead consultant profile
• Study document reference
• Questionnaire
• Organizational profile
11) Required documents submission

a) Prescribed EOI form

b) Technical proposal with team composition (maximum 5 pages)

c) Financial proposal including TIN/BIN, bank information

d) CV/Profile of researchers
12) Application Deadline: Submit EOI along with all necessary documents through procurement@gnbangla.org by 2 February, 2025; at 5:00 pm.
Good Neighbors Bangladesh reserves the right to accept or reject offers in whole or in part without assigning any reason.
Good Neighbors Bangladesh maintains zero tolerance approach for all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA). Stakeholders must be concerned about issues such as child rights, PSEA, and safety. If any of the stakeholders violates the PSEA policy, a child rights issue, or a safety issue, Good Neighbors Bangladesh has the right to terminate the contract immediately.